1 min read

Time to fly

Time to fly
Let's look at the second new feature BECOME has released for schools this month!

The new Lesson Flythroughs are a super-quick way for BECOME teachers to refresh what's in a lesson through a short video overview.

Flythrough pink S and S transparent - pink

Not only do the flythrough videos run through the activities in the lesson, they explain WHY and how this fits into the BECOME approach. They also review the skills students are learning and practising.

How can we use them?

BECOME is all about fostering students with the agency and skills to explore, design and navigate a future for themselves. So the BECOME lessons don't look like what people expect when they think of 'a careers program'.

Share the videos or use them yourself when teaching with colleagues -- they can help people to 'get' the lesson plan so teaching it is easier.

They can even be a quick way to show other colleagues the BECOME approach, and how BECOME puts exploration of the world of work and of your unique self ahead of making a single career decision, in order to set students up for success in taking agency over a real-life careers experiment.

(More about this here for primary schools and over here for all schools - watch out for hippos!)

Where are they?

BECOME Flythroughs are only available to current subscribers of the BECOME program.

You will find them on the front page of selected lessons and Scope & Sequence planners in the Resource Centre. 

More Flythroughs will be released throughout this month and next.



Read more about the BECOME program for schools and how it engages students, or check out our extensive video library of insights from experts in the field.

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