Liv Pennie

Liv Pennie, Co-Founder & CEO of BECOME Liv brings together unique experience from the worlds of academia and innovation. She holds an MA in Psychology, a Graduate Certificate in Education & Career Development combined with 18 years in advertising developing winning strategies, communications and innovative digital products at some of the best agencies around the world. All this combined with 4 years of service as a Board Director of SchoolAid was the perfect backswing for launching BECOME.

Year 6 and Year 5 students discuss their career ideas at a flipped career expo

2 min read

What does a Whole-School Approach to Careers Ed Look Like?

Quick quiz! What does your school's motto or slogan say? Got it in mind? Great. Now here's the important bit: Does the school slogan relate to the future? School positioning statements often focus on student futures, such as life-long learning. Or...

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A child looks at a sign with Believe in Yourself on it

3 min read

A case for careers education in the primary years

Data shows that young people are actively thinking about their lives and careers long before formal career guidance traditionally occurs within...

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A person looks at the distant horizon from the top of a mountain. The feeling is calm and peaceful.

4 min read

Careers Education, belief and the hippo in the road

You could hear a pin drop. It's a Wednesday afternoon and we're in the depth of a Professional Learning session with a dedicated group of teachers...

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A climber on a white climbing wall with colourful hand and foot holds and ropes

6 min read

Beware of the Shortcuts

The case for slowing things down when it comes to K12 Careers Education Traditionally in Career Development, it's all about efficiency -- especially...

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Two kayaks in a blue sea seen from above.

2 min read

Designing your life from the inside

We’ve written before about the three main pitfalls of careers tests. The kind of tests that promise to deliver The Answer, The Solution, The One True...

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A teenager's feet on a skateboard on a ramp

2 min read

The secret ingredient for subject selection

Student agency. It's the secret ingredient that we're all after. By agency, we mean young people taking active control over their life and learning....

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A girl with a tablet smiles at her teacher

1 min read

The Most Powerful Thing you Can Do...

... before they leave Primary school. If you could give your students one big thing before they leave Primary school, something that would set them...

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The BECOME.ME app bridge for sport and pro sport

1 min read


The latest App update Next time you check in to the BECOME.Me app, you should be seeing the latest version, v4.0.

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A young person seen from the back sitting on top of a rock looking over a valley at distant mountains

3 min read

Funding a Career Test Doesn’t Mean You're doing Careers Education

Why and how tests should be used with caution, and in context. This article by Liv Pennie was first published in Education Today, August 2022, and...

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A young woman in a black shirt seen from the back. She is in a grassy field looking at the horizon. There is a thoughtful mood to the photo.

3 min read

Making a Difference in the World (as long as it's in medicine or law)

I’m an optimist. But wow, that bubble has been a bit deflated reading the Monash Uni discussion paper, Young Women Choosing Careers: Who Decides?

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