Designing a career development program: a case study
Recently we checked in with Andrew McEwan, Deputy Principal of Holy Spirit College Fitzgibbon, Queensland. Their experience can offer some insights...
2 min read
Liv Pennie
Feb 13, 2024 1:18:17 PM
Quick quiz! What does your school's motto or slogan say?
Got it in mind? Great.
Now here's the important bit: Does the school slogan relate to the future?
School positioning statements often focus on student futures, such as life-long learning. Or they highlight values such as belonging and community.
Development of the whole person for the future.
This is exactly what whole-school careers education is about, too.
The schools that use BECOME as a core part in their careers education across the school align the BECOME program to school strategy as a way to emphasise and develop a fulfilling future for each student as a whole person.
In a whole school approach, a school commits to provide the time and proper tools for deep investigation of self, careers and aspirations. Rather than every level in the school, this typically happens at several year levels, such as years 6, 8 and 10 (but it could be any year levels). When it is aligned to the school strategy it is cohesive.
Here's what whole-school careers education looks like:
Whole-school careers education goes hand-in-hand with student agency.
Learners in schools who adopt a whole-school approach develop the skills to take charge of their own lives, their learning and direction.
Through the BECOME program, students learn and practise the skills to identify, explore, assess and decide about opportunities that may come their way now and later.
The BECOME program develops and changes as students grow and build more sophisticated insights into how their self fits into possible ideas for their future.
The BECOME tools and lessons are ready to use and curriculum-linked, integrated with the web app which provides a safe space in which students explore personal career scenarios and try them on for size.
Here are some of the key things schools tell us make all the difference when they adopt BECOME as a whole-school careers education program:
Blend wellbeing, personal agency and values into how you teach students to shape their own life and future.
Let us help you design a whole-school or multi-year exploration plan that generates ideas as it teaches students skills to navigate career questions they will encounter.
BECOME is contextual, age-relevant and strategic. We've helped many schools harness the power of futures thinking. Book an informal chat
Recently we checked in with Andrew McEwan, Deputy Principal of Holy Spirit College Fitzgibbon, Queensland. Their experience can offer some insights...
Humans are naturally wired to imagine the future. Data shows that young people are actively thinking about their lives and careers long before formal...
A scramble for decisions at the end of high school is often too little and too late to prepare students for fulfilled lives and careers.