Jim Bright

Professor Jim Bright has over 27 years of international consulting experience specializing in career development, psychology & training. He has published 11 books, and has over 500 peer reviewed scientific journal articles, chapters, reports and conference presentations. He has won awards for his careers research and has become a best selling international author in the area of careers where he has pioneered the application of complexity theory approaches to career development. His progressive work aligns perfectly with the mission of BECOME. Jim is a registered psychologist, a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Career Development Association of Australia.

A person exploring - their footsteps leading up a sand dune. Blue sky beyond.

3 min read

Why we need to stop the careers counselling guessing game

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald, August, 2024. School careers advisors are like a “backwards Google” and the tools they use are “Orwellian” and “detached from reality”, or at least so said journalist and concerned parent James Panichi...

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A woman walks between two city buildings in the sunshine

2 min read

People must not be married at first sight to career options

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald, June 10, 2023. Narrowing down our options is probably the most common approach to decision-making. Its...

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2 min read

Going for Goals

As we start the year it's natural to set goals for ourselves, our teams and our students. But this extract, from one of the podcasts by Prof. Jim...

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Silhouette of several people jumping against a yellow dawn sky.

4 min read

Change can be catching

Something rather wonderful has happened as a result of the pandemic that should have change managers and management consultants quaking in their...

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A round glass ball like a crystal ball in a hand held up to the sky in a grey setting

3 min read

Aspiring to jobs of the future?

What next with the OECD Report: Dream jobs? Teenage career aspirations and the future of work.

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