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Reimagining Careers Education


A child looks at a sign with Believe in Yourself on it

3 min read

A case for careers education in the primary years

Data shows that young people are actively thinking about their lives and careers long before formal career guidance traditionally occurs within...

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A person looks at the distant horizon from the top of a mountain. The feeling is calm and peaceful.

4 min read

Careers Education, belief and the hippo in the road

You could hear a pin drop. It's a Wednesday afternoon and we're in the depth of a Professional Learning session with a dedicated group of teachers...

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A teenager's feet on a skateboard on a ramp

2 min read

The secret ingredient for subject selection

Student agency. It's the secret ingredient that we're all after. By agency, we mean young people taking active control over their life and learning....

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A woman walks between two city buildings in the sunshine

2 min read

People must not be married at first sight to career options

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald, June 10, 2023. Narrowing down our options is probably the most common approach to decision-making. Its...

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Several people in a control room seen from the back.

3 min read

Talking to Students about Space Careers

Heard on a New York sidewalk: “Pardon me,” the man says, “can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall?” “Yes,” answers the maestro. “Practice!” This...

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