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Reimagining Careers Education

A red heart on a white wall in sunlight and shadow

2 min read

Empathy and Careers Education

Prompted by a recent article in The Guardian, BECOME Education Consultant Grace Kinch, has been thinking about some of the surprises students may stumble on if they aren’t given the time and tools to investigate occupations deeply.

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A woman walks between two city buildings in the sunshine

2 min read

People must not be married at first sight to career options

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald, June 10, 2023. Narrowing down our options is probably the most common approach to decision-making. Its...

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A girl with a tablet smiles at her teacher

1 min read

The Most Powerful Thing you Can Do...

... before they leave Primary school. If you could give your students one big thing before they leave Primary school, something that would set them...

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The BECOME.ME app bridge for sport and pro sport

1 min read


The latest App update Next time you check in to the BECOME.Me app, you should be seeing the latest version, v4.0.

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2 min read

Going for Goals

As we start the year it's natural to set goals for ourselves, our teams and our students. But this extract, from one of the podcasts by Prof. Jim...

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Animation of an astonaut looking at two stars hovering above her hands

How to Design Your Future

BECOME and Clickview, the education and learning video specialists, are delighted to release the first three episodes in the new careers program, How...

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Several people in a control room seen from the back.

3 min read

Talking to Students about Space Careers

Heard on a New York sidewalk: “Pardon me,” the man says, “can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall?” “Yes,” answers the maestro. “Practice!” This...

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A young person seen from the back sitting on top of a rock looking over a valley at distant mountains

3 min read

Funding a Career Test Doesn’t Mean You're doing Careers Education

Why and how tests should be used with caution, and in context. This article by Liv Pennie was first published in Education Today, August 2022, and...

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A young woman in a black shirt seen from the back. She is in a grassy field looking at the horizon. There is a thoughtful mood to the photo.

3 min read

Making a Difference in the World (as long as it's in medicine or law)

I’m an optimist. But wow, that bubble has been a bit deflated reading the Monash Uni discussion paper, Young Women Choosing Careers: Who Decides?

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A screenshot of the app showing careers in the field Visual Arts, Fashion design

2 min read

Careers education is hope - A short case study

Recently, we received an email from an inspiring school who have just begun to use BECOME. The Liverpool Hospital School provides education for...

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