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Reimagining Careers Education

Making maths real for life. A student plays in a net in a rope course, with a green border to one side

2 min read

Real Purpose

Lauren Passmore, Stage 3 Teacher, shares how she gets students really engaged with learning! It’s your mathematics block. You’ve poured hours into planning a lesson that not only meets the outcomes, but engages your students and helps them to...

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A gemstone with many facets

2 min read

The many faces of student futures

When we were planning upcoming Reimagining Careers Education sessions, we asked our community what they liked from the last two years of live, online...

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The front of a blue ice cream van with the words Fresh Ice Cream

2 min read

Cultivating Curiosity

“Curiosity will conquer fear more than bravery will.” James Stephens, Novelist and Poet Facing the future is anxious work for many of our students....

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Silhouette of several people jumping against a yellow dawn sky.

4 min read

Change can be catching

Something rather wonderful has happened as a result of the pandemic that should have change managers and management consultants quaking in their...

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Sparkling colourful lights against a dark background.

2 min read

The Future is Bright!

How do young people arrive at a point when they decide ‘what I want to do when I finish school’? This has been a passion of mine throughout my career...

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A pair of feet in red shoes climb a blue staircase.

3 min read

What Is Success?

We lack the tools that we need to make reasonable decisions for ourselves as we go through life. Traditional education doesn’t adequately prepare us...

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A round glass ball like a crystal ball in a hand held up to the sky in a grey setting

3 min read

Aspiring to jobs of the future?

What next with the OECD Report: Dream jobs? Teenage career aspirations and the future of work.

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Three people in front of a stand that says PBL World and BECOME.Me

2 min read

Joining Forces with PBLWorks

Last week, our team was fortunate enough to attend the first workshop of the 2020 calendar with PBLWorks alongside 150 leading educators. Scroll back...

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A woman on stage playing an electric guitar - there ar epurple stage lights behind her

5 min read

Twisting Journeys

When I was in Year 4 I learned to play the guitar. Now, when I say learned, I mean that I got a loan guitar from the school band, was taught a few...

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A signpost is silhouetted against the colours of a dawn sky

2 min read

Artificial Intelligence or Art Therapy

The seismic shifts created by technological advancement have profound implications for how future lives and careers will pan out but despite all the...

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